Pellet is an OWL-DL reasoner developed in mindswap at University of Maryland. It is written in Java and is open source. Unfortunately there is not any constructive documentation for Pellet tool but the Pellet user mailing list is quite active and you can find a lot there. Two papers (1, 2) from mindswap might be the only papers which directly discuss Pellet.
W3C recommended two test cases for OWL document checkers in 2004: OWL syntax checkers and OWL consistency checkers. W3C also defined complete consistency checkers and complete means that the document is a decision procedure with respect to semantics of its concepts. Pellet is a complete OWL-DL consistency checker.
Consistency checking is checking for contradictory facts in an ontology more technically it checks Assertional Box (ABox: OWL facts e.g. equality assertions, property values and types) for consistency with respect to the Terminological Box (TBox: axioms about classes e.g. disjoint classes and subclasses). It is an important task but can not do or execute anything interesting within your ontology.
In addition to standard inference services (consistency checking, concept satisfiability, classification and realization) Pellet covers W3C recommendations (consistency, entailment, and conjunctive query answering). Pellet supports queries in SPARQL and RDQL language through its query engine. Pellet also supports detection of syntactic and semantic defects in ontologies in terms of "species coercion" (e.g. guess the correct type for a resource without defined type), and debugging meaning finding contradictions and the axioms which cause them.
W3C recommended two test cases for OWL document checkers in 2004: OWL syntax checkers and OWL consistency checkers. W3C also defined complete consistency checkers and complete means that the document is a decision procedure with respect to semantics of its concepts. Pellet is a complete OWL-DL consistency checker.
Consistency checking is checking for contradictory facts in an ontology more technically it checks Assertional Box (ABox: OWL facts e.g. equality assertions, property values and types) for consistency with respect to the Terminological Box (TBox: axioms about classes e.g. disjoint classes and subclasses). It is an important task but can not do or execute anything interesting within your ontology.
In addition to standard inference services (consistency checking, concept satisfiability, classification and realization) Pellet covers W3C recommendations (consistency, entailment, and conjunctive query answering). Pellet supports queries in SPARQL and RDQL language through its query engine. Pellet also supports detection of syntactic and semantic defects in ontologies in terms of "species coercion" (e.g. guess the correct type for a resource without defined type), and debugging meaning finding contradictions and the axioms which cause them.
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